
Sunday, 12 November 2017

carbon composition resistor

carbon composition resistor

The resistance may be a device that is employed to oppose or minimizing this flow in an exceeding circuit. The electrical device offers a fall across it so the voltage across the load is reduced so the voltage across the load is reduced and therefore this flow is reduced. The electrical device are often created in many ways, we are able to build a electrical device by employing a wire that has high electrical phenomenon. so as to form the resistance nearly constant, we tend to choose the fabric that has the vasoconstrictive constant. however the most disadvantage of doing this can be that the ability loss is additional and conjointly the value will increase. Its size conjointly will increase and therefore the electrical device won't be economic. thus so as to get rid of that disadvantage, we tend to use carbon electrical device. These resistors have terribly little size still as less power loss. Also, the electrical device will have terribly high worth up to some mega Ohm.

These area unit thus little that we tend to cannot even indicate the worth. For that we tend to use color codes.

Color Code of Carbon Resistors

The color secret writing is provided since its size is just too little and therefore we tend to cannot indicate the worth of the electrical device within the plate. the colour code is as follows

Construction of Carbon Resistors

They area unit made from carbon clay and leads are created of canned copper. it's fencelike in plastic case so there'll be no entry of wetness and different harmful particles within the electrical device. they need diameters but ten metric linear unit. For higher power dissipation the dimensions of the electrical device ought to be exaggerated. the form of the electrical device is of cylindrical kind.
There area unit 2 styles of color codes that we tend to use -

  1. General Color secret writing.
  2. Precision Color secret writing.

General Color secret writing

They are used if it's four bands and conjointly they're employed in the case of general purpose electrical device. they need tolerance of ±5% or additional

To calculate resistance worth, see the colour of 1st digit and variety it per code. Next, take the second code and indicate the digit per the colour code. Third band is that the number band thus place that the ability of 10 and multiply it with the previous variety we tend to got from the 2 digits, that may indicate the worth and for tolerance see the fourth band and indicate the tolerance consequently.
For example, if a electrical device incorporates a code of Brown, Grey, Brown and Gold then the primary digit we tend to get is one because the brown indicates the digit one.
Secondly the second band indicates the code to be eight. that the variety we tend to got from those 2 digits is eighteen.
Third band indicates the number the number that the number is ten as brown indicates one.
Fourth band indicates the tolerance worth, Gold has the tolerance of ± five the troubles. that the resistance worth we tend to got is one hundred eighty ± five the troubles.

Precision Color secret writing

In this case we've got 5 bands to point the electrical device worth. the primary band isn't black as just in case of general purpose electrical device. the sole distinction from the overall resistors is that it's 5 bands and therefore the 1st 3 can indicate the worth, fourth one can indicate the number and therefore the last color indicates the tolerance worth. they need the tolerance but ± 2 Chronicles. that the code is employed consequently.

Advantages of Carbon Resistors

They are low-cost.
They have little size.

Disadvantages of Carbon Resistors

They are buzzing.
The power dissipation capability is little.
The carbon electrical device is extremely wide employed in electronic circuits and integrated circuits because of their little size. {they will|they will|they'll} be accustomed build electronic circuits as a result of the circuits would force a really little current that the carbon electrical device can handle safely. they're terribly sensitive to temperature changes. conjointly the little power handling capability is that the main downside of those styles of resistors. Also, these styles of electrical device tend to supply noise. because of these they reasons they can not be employed in all the electrical circuits however because of their low price and little size, they're extremely popular.

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