
Monday, 13 November 2017

Mobile Substation

What is Mobile Substation?

Sometimes it's needed to produce power to a selected place on the totally temporary basis. like at civil contraction or different construction places wherever vast consumption of electricity is needed however when completion of the development work the need for power won't be as high as throughout construction.
In these cases constructing one permanent outside or indoor station for the fulfillment of power, the offer isn't economical. conjointly a mobile station is needed wherever there's lack of area for constructing outdoor station throughout any massive construction work once consumption of big power by construction machines is needed. Mobile substations are accustomed fast restore of electrical service throughout Associate in Nursing outage caused by a storm or different disaster. this may conjointly offer temporary light company throughout the construction of permanent facilities. It can also be used as an alternate light company throughout regular maintenance of existing instrumentation.
Mobile station is helpful for

  • Emergency Service.
  • New Service.
  • Temporary Service.
  • Definition of Mobile station

The definition of the mobile station or moveable station could be a fully self-contained trailer mounted station consists of the electrical device, cooling instrumentation, high voltage switchgear and low voltage switchgear in conjunction with metering, protection relaying devices, AC and DC auxiliary power offer, surge protection, and cable connecting arrangement.

Description of Mobile station

The mobile station or moveable station is totally equipped with totally different grid equipment, and should be able to be shipped from one place to a different with the totally assembled mode. the height and breadth of the whole station unit ought to be specified it'd meet the State and Federal road laws. thence compactness is that the main criteria of a mobile station and for fulfilling this criterion we've got to compromise with numbers of parameters of the station. Set-up time under emergency conditions ought to even be decreased and it ought to be maintained within four hours.
The power system deals with a voltage higher than 36KV, is referred as high voltage switchgear. because the voltage level is high the arcing created throughout change operation is additionally terribly high. So, special care is to be taken throughout the planning of high voltage switchgear. High voltage fuse, is that the main part of HV switchgear, thence high voltage fuse (CB) ought to have special options for safe and reliable operation. Faulty tripping and change operation of high voltage circuit area unit terribly rare. Most of the time these circuit breakers stay, at ON condition, and should be operated when a protracted amount of your time. thus CBS should be reliable enough to confirm safe operation, as once needed. High voltage fuse technology has modified radically within the last fifteen years. Minimum oil fuse (MOCB), air blast fuse and SF6 fuse area unit principally used for prime voltage switchgear.
          Vacuum fuse isn't used for this purpose as until date vacuum technology isn't adequate for interrupting terribly high voltage short current. There area unit 2 varieties of the SF6 fuse, single pressure SF6 breaker and 2 pressures fuse. the only pressure system is that the state of art for prime voltage switchgear system, in times. currently days SF6 gas as arc termination medium has become hottest for prime and additional high voltage wattage system. Although, SF6 gas contributes to the atmospheric phenomenon. it's twenty-three times stronger impact on the atmospheric phenomenon than that of dioxide. Hence, a leak of SF6 gas throughout the service life of fuse should be prevented. so as to reduce the emission of SF6 gas, the N2 - SF6 and CF4 - SF6 gas mixture, is also utilized infuse in future, as the substitute of pure SF6. It should always be taken care of that, no SF6 gas comes go into the atmosphere throughout maintenance of the CB.
On the opposite hand, SF6 fuse has the foremost advantage of low maintenance.

High voltage switchgear area unit classified as,

  • Gas insulated indoor kind (GIS),
  • Air insulated outside kind.
  • Again, outside kind air insulated circuit breakers area unit classified as,
  • Dead tank kind fuse
  • Live tank kind fuse

In dead tank kind CB, the change device is found, with appropriate nonconductor supports within a silver vessel(s) at ground potential full of insulating medium.
In a live electrical circuit breaker, the interrupts area unit set in Associate in Nursing insulated bushing, at the system potential. The live electrical circuit breakers area unit cheaper and needed less mounting area. There area unit in the main 3 varieties of the fuse, as we have a tendency to aforesaid earlier, utilized in high voltage switchgear system i.e. air blast fuse, SF6 fuse, oil fuse and vacuum fuse isn't used.

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