
Monday, 13 November 2017

Electrical Power Transmission

Electrical Power Transmission 

              Electrical power is generated at totally different generating stations. These generating stations don't seem to be essentially placed at the load centre. throughout the construction of generating station range of things square measure to be thought-about from the economic purpose of reading. These all factors might not be simply on the market at load centre; thus generating stations don't seem to be usually placed terribly nearer to load centre. Load centre is that the place wherever most power is consumed. thus there should be some means that by that the generated power should be transmitted to the load centre. Electrical transmission is that the means that of transmission power from generating station to totally different load centres.

Factor to be thought-about for Constructing a Generating Station

  • During coming up with of construction of generating station the subsequent factors to be thought-about for economical generation of electric power.
  • The easy handiness of water for thermal power generating station.
  • The easy handiness of land for construction of station as well as it's workers, territorial division.
  • For the hydro station, there should be a dam on stream. thus correct place on the stream should be chosen in such method|how|some way|the way|the simplest way} that the development of the dam is often worn out the most optimum way.
  • For the thermal station, the straightforward handiness of fuel is one among the foremost vital factors to be thought about.
  • Better communication for merchandise in addition to the staff of the facility station additionally to be unbroken into thought.
  • For transporting terribly massive spare components of turbines, alternators etc, there should be wide roadways in which, train communication and the deep and wide stream should die near the facility station.
For atomic energy plant, it should be placed in such a distance from the common location in order that there could also be any result of activity the health of people.
Many different factors also are to be thought-about, however, there square measure on the far side the scope of our discussion.
All the factors listed on top of square measure terribly troublesome to be on the market at load centre. the facility station or generating station should be placed wherever all the facilities square measure simply on the market. This place might not be essentially at the load centre. the facility generated at generating station then transmitted to the load centre by means that of electric power transmission as we have a tendency to aforementioned earlier.

Electrical Power transmission Engineering the facility generated at generating station is at low voltage level as low voltage power generation has some economical values. Low voltage power generation is additional economical than high voltage power generation. At low voltage level, each weight and insulation is a smaller amount within the generator, this directly reduces the price and size of the generator. however, this low voltage level power can't be transmitted on to the patron finish as a result of this low voltage power transmission isn't in the least economical. thus though low voltage power generation is economical however low voltage electric power transmission isn't economical. electric power is directly proportional to the merchandise of electrical current and voltage system. thus for transmission sure electric power from one place to a different, if the voltage of the facility is enhanced then associated current of this power is reduced. Reduced current means that less I2R loss within the system, less cross-sectional space of the conductor means that less capital involvement and cut current causes improvement in voltage regulation of power transmission and improved voltage regulation indicates quality power. as a result of these 3 reasons electric power primarily transmitted at high voltage level.
Again at distribution finish for economical distribution of the transmitted power, it's stepped all the way down to its desired low voltage level.
So it is often over that initial the electric power is generated at low voltage level then it stepped up to high voltage for economical transmission of electricity. finally, for distribution of electricity or power to totally different customers it's stepped all the way down to desired low voltage level.
This temporary discussion of electrical transmission and network, however currently we'll mention bit additional details concerning the transmission of electricity.

Transmission of electricity

Fundamentally there square measure 2 systems by that electricity are often transmitted.
High voltage DC electrical transmission.
High AC electrical transmission.
There square measure some blessings in victimization DC transmission system-
Only 2 conductor square measure needed for DC transmission. it's more attainable to use just one conductor of DC transmission if the earth is used as come back path of the system.
The potential stress on the dielectric of DC transmission is concerning seventy maximize same voltage AC transmission. Hence, less insulation price is concerned with DC transmission.
Inductance, capacitance, section displacement and surge issues are often eliminated in DC system.
Even having these blessings in DC system, typically electricity is transmitted by three(3) section AC transmission.
The alternating voltages will simply be stepped up and down, that isn't attainable in DC transmission.
Maintenance of AC station is sort of straightforward and economical compared to DC.
The transforming of power in AC electrical substation is way easier than motor-generator sets in DC system.
But AC transmission additionally has some disadvantages like,
The volume of conductor utilized in AC system is way over that of DC.
The electrical phenomenon of the road affects the voltage regulation of electric power transmission.
Problems of skin effects and proximity effects solely found in AC system.
AC transmission is additional probably to be littered with corona result than DC system.
Construction of AC electric power transmission network is additionally completed than DC system.
Proper synchronizing is needed before inhume connecting 2 or additional transmission lines along, synchronizing will wholly be omitted in DC transmission.

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